Unshaped Refractories

Conventional refractory concretes typically contain calcium oxide levels above 2.5%, due to the addition of calcium aluminate cement. They can be classified as silica-alumina or alumina-based, depending on the alumina content in their composition.

These concretes have broad applications and are used in various settings, depending on the chemical, mechanical, and thermal conditions of the equipment.

They can be applied manually, poured, sprayed, or through dry gunning.

Low-Cement Castables

These products have calcium oxide content ranging from 1.0% to 2.5% and include special additives to reduce water usage and control rheological properties. This product line includes both silica-alumina and alumina-based concretes.

They can be applied by pouring, vibrating, shotcreting, and pumping (self-flowing).

Ultra-Low-Cement Castables

These products use special additives to minimize water content and manage rheological properties, with calcium oxide levels between 0.2% and 1.0%. By combining various aggregates, this line produces both silica-alumina and alumina-based concretes.

They are typically applied through vibration processes.

No-Cement Castable

These are chemically bonded refractory concretes that do not contain calcium aluminate cement; their hardening occurs through chemical reactions.

They include special additives mixed into the composition before the concrete is prepared for application. This product line includes silica colloidal and phosphate-bonded varieties.

They can be applied through vibration, shotcreting, pumping (self-flowing), and pouring.

Special Castables

This product line includes low-cement, ultra-low-cement, and chemically bonded concretes with various aggregates. These materials include alumina-silicon carbide-carbon, alumina-silicon carbide, alumina-chrome, alumina-spinel, alumina-mullite-zirconia, and others.

They are typically applied using vibration, pumping, pouring, and shotcreting methods.

Insulating Castables

These are conventional refractory castables made from lightweight aggregates with low density and low thermal conductivity. They are typically used in combination with other castables to reduce thermal loss through the walls of industrial furnaces.

They can be applied using dry gunning, pouring, and vibration methods.