Shaped Refractories

Alumina-based refractories are shaped, pressed, and fired at high temperatures, containing alumina content ranging from 46% to 99%. These products are manufactured using sintered alumina aggregates (Chamottes), fused alumina, and high-purity sintered alumina.

They are utilized in various applications across industries such as cement and lime production, steelmaking, and aluminum manufacturing.

Resin-Bonded Alumina-Based Refractories

Al2O3-SiC-C Refractories: These resin-bonded products primarily consist of aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, and graphite. They can contain varying levels of graphite and silicon carbide and are typically cured at around 200°C (392°F). They are mainly used in the steel industry, particularly in applications like Torpedo Cars and Hot Metal Ladles.

Al2O3-MgO-C Refractories: These are resin-bonded and cured products made from aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide, and graphite. They are primarily used in steel ladles within the steel industry.

Alumina-Chrome Refractories

These refractories are shaped, pressed, and fired at high temperatures, containing alumina aggregates with varying levels of chromium oxide. They offer excellent resistance to slag corrosion and high mechanical strength, making them suitable for demanding environments.

Special Alumina-Based Refractories

Special alumina-based products are pressed and fired and feature combinations of high-alumina aggregates with zirconia, mullite, silicon carbide, and spinels.

They are primarily used in the glass industry, frit production, cement manufacturing, pelletizing furnaces, incinerators, and other similar applications.